Today I finished the draft of the first area in my #dungeon23 project, the Black Furnace.

Level 1-A is the servants’ quarters, home to the cult of Hürak Mol. It’s accessible from one of the Black Furnace’s five entrances, and connects to level 2 and level 1-B.
I can’t remember the last time I drew a proper dungeon map, and I don’t think I’ve ever written up a dungeon this size before. I’m enjoying sitting down each day with no clear idea of what’s next, and just having fun with it.
This should be reassuring: It looks like a dungeon.
What is Black Furnace? It’s a great name.
Thanks! It’s the home of a long-forgotten god in my Godsbarrow campaign setting, Hürak Mol — who long ago made weapons and abominations for other gods.