I’m coming up on a movie milestone:

Given that A) it’s spooky season, B) my default cinematic comfort food is MST3K, and C) I’m working on some anime-watching challenges, my money’s on my 3,000th film being from one of those three buckets.
It’s also a coin flip whether I blow past it by accident, or remember to intentionally choose #3,000.
And for good measure: I suppose it’s possible I won’t make it to 3,000 this year — or at all. In a Final Destination movie, just after watching my 2,999th film, I’d get knocked off a cliff by a bus, you’d see the number 3,000 on its rear license plate or something, and then it would land on my broken body at the bottom of the cliff and explode.
But barring unusual circumstances, I’m usually good for around 150 movies/year (although this has been a light year, movie-wise). It should happen.
If I had to pick right now, I’d shoot for viewing #8 of Birds of Prey. This month has really sucked so far, and that perfect film — also a family favorite — is always a delight.
10/17 update: I went with Night of the Creeps. It was great! That was almost three years to the day after #2,500 (Knock Off), so with metronome-like predictability I should be back with a post about #3,500 in late October of 2026.
I recently rewatched Interstellar, and I actually liked it this time. Getting soft in my old age!
That one was a real experience in IMAX, with the deep bass you could feel in your chest. Love Interstellar!