Six and a half months of painting: my Blood Angels army now at 42 models

I haven’t taken a full-army photo since August — sounds like it’s time for another one!

My 40k Blood Angels army as of October 3rd

I really need to get a terrain “slab” or something to serve as a platform for these shots — something a little sexier than the top of one of my Kaiser Multicases. But hey, it works.

Based on the latest 9th Ed. points update, I got a refund of 5 points (on Commander Dante, I think) that I can’t spend because I’ve already built all of my Angels with WYSIWYG wargear. My finished army will be 1,991 points, and I currently have 1,671 points painted.

Here are my previous three army shots:

May 2020 (the first time I had all the models assembled)
June 2020
August 2020

I’m 5 Terminators, 5 Death Company Marines, and 1 Teleport Homer shy of my first 40k army being complete — which, as I type it, feels a bit unreal. This project is something I’ve wanted to undertake for about 30 years; actually doing it feels pretty awesome.

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