Pathfinder Pawns for Frostgrave: soldiers of the Inner Sea

I’m still raiding my Inner Sea Pawn Box (paid link) for Frostgrave (paid link) miniatures, and since yesterday was all about the wizards and apprentices I figured I’d circle back and share some soldiers.

“Soldier” is Frostgrave’s generic term for hireling, covering everything from thugs to thieves to knights to apothecaries to war hounds. The first thing I came across was a themed group of Norse-looking folks:

It might be hard to see in my photo, but one thing I like about Pathfinder Pawns is that every pawn has a unique identifier. In this case, it’s “IS” (for Inner Sea”) and a number; the number denotes its position in the big list on the back of the box. And when there are multiple copies of the same pawn, the field around that number is a different color on each of them.

Here are enough medieval-knight types for a second themed group:

After pulling these two groups, I realized I was quickly going to find myself punching the entire box — there are a lot of Frostgrave soldier-appropriate pawns in this box! Offhand, except for the war hound, I saw options for every type of soldier. (I’m not sure there are more themed groups with enough pawns for a warband, but I’m not positive about that.)

Here are a host of pawns that didn’t share a theme, but which nicely map to several soldier types:

And just to round things out, some cool one-offs to cover more expensive troops:

Again, that’s nowhere near all of the soldier options in the box — I just stopped punching out pawns at that point.

Looking through all of these soldiers, I realized that it’ll even be handy to reference the pawns’ names (listed at the bottom of every pawn): I can note them on the character sheet, both so I don’t forget which is which and so my opponent and I can tell our pawns apart. Neat!

I think the Inner Sea box (paid link) can easily provide more than enough wizard, apprentice, and soldier options for several players — and that’s assuming everyone wants a correspondence between pawn and unit, as in “archers should have a bow, knights should look knight-y.” Just in this box alone, the roster is deep.

2 thoughts on “Pathfinder Pawns for Frostgrave: soldiers of the Inner Sea”

    1. Martin Ralya

      Yeah, those would be excellent for Frostgrave — good idea!

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