Legendary Realms makes a host of prepainted terrain and scenery, including some dungeon dressing that I thought would be a perfect fit for my take on Frostgrave (paid link). Noble Knight had a bunch of it in stock (as opposed to waiting for LR to make it to order), so I ordered some.
I picked up some lizard god statues, knight statues, crypt skeletons, crypt skeletons on thrones, and wooden chests. Here they are all together (larger version):

Piece by piece
The lizard gods are the best value in terms of size — Noble Knight had them for under $3 a pop. They add a much-needed dash of weird to my Frostgrave (larger version):

The knights are a decent size, too, but the sculpt is kind of crappy. Still, they do look appropriately aged/ruined for Frostgrave (larger version):

I love the crypt skeletons. Their little eye sockets are red (gems, maybe?), and although one of mine is missing its head, that totally works in this setting. Frostgrave was a city that used necromancy in daily life, so having skeletons in its ruins makes sense to me (larger version):

They also do a seated variety, which feels very sword and sorcery to me — also a part of my Frostgrave (larger version):

Lastly, I snagged enough treasure chests for four players (larger version):

I don’t love the knight statues, and the enthroned skeletons are a bit small for the price (though as dungeon dressing for a setup with walls and so forth, they’re a good size), but the lizard gods, crypt skeletons, and treasure chests are solid.
On the whole, I’m happy with my Legendary Realms stuff. Being made of resin, they’re reasonably tough. The paint jobs are serviceable, and they fit well into a city that’s been in ruins for a thousand years.
In fact, I wound up placing a second order for some more bits and bobs to round things out — dead trees, graves, skull piles, some rubble, and one or two other things.
As I said for the D&D figure range: one can always improve the factory finish with a skilled personal paint job post-purchase to make one’s collection truly unique.
I run my games in Legendary Realms’ Plainview retail outlet, and get to see the creative process at work when I wait for my gamers to show up.
When I was setting up for Delta Green this weekend the staff on site were painting “waterline” pirate galleys (models that look like they are floating in the table as if it were water), a relatively recent addition to their range.
I am constantly amazed by the quality of their castings. Having done some of my own I can vouch for the difficulty of making casts without artifacts like bubbles ruining the finish. And tough enough to be dropped occasionally without breaking (though that should be avoided of course).
For my money the most impressive line they make is the dungeon forms themselves, walls, floors, stairs, pools, lava pits and a bag of holding more from which truly impressive 3D dungeon “maps” can be made.
If one were considering utilizing the random 5-room dungeon idea recently featured on Gnome Stew, one could assemble a kit from which to visualize such a modular “wandering dungeon” from Legendary Realms items and not have to sell a limb to do so
And the range is constantly being expanded upon. They have some stuff in the works right now I can’t talk about that will blow people away when they get it to market. It blew me away when I was shown a couple of prototypes.
I don’t work for Legendary Realms or get paid for singing their praises. I just appreciate a good value product when I see one.
Cool! I’ll keep an eye on their site to see what new stuff they come up with.