DCC RPG wilderness travel speeds

I wanted to use the wilderness travel rules from the B/X D&D Expert Set (paid link) in my DCC RPG (paid link) hexcrawl, but character’s movement speeds don’t translate 1:1 across the two games.

I compared species (races) in both editions, crunched the numbers, and turned the results into a one-page PDF reference for DCC RPG wilderness travel speeds by terrain type.

I also tweaked my favorite weather mechanic, weather as a reaction roll, from The Nine and Thirty Kingdoms, and stuck that on the bottom of the page, mostly because there was room for it.

This one-pager is designed to work with my DCC RPG wilderness encounter tables and Hexmancer (for procedurally generating terrain), and all three share the same terrain types (“fantasy western Europe”).

2 thoughts on “DCC RPG wilderness travel speeds”

  1. Christian

    hmm i might be late to the post but the movement rates seem to be a bit off?
    the DCC rules say a normal person travels 24 miles/day on good terrain (i read this as roads, flat ground etc.) So wouldn’t roads be 24 miles, plains,trails be 16, forests/deserts 12 miles and so on?

    Would appreciate a reply, since i am planning on running a sandbox game in DCC and travel pace will kinda be relevant :D
    Thank you!

    1. Martin Ralya

      It’s based on the B/X adjustment for roads, 3/2 the normal speed. DCC uses “passable roads” as the baseline, while B/X uses “trail” and modifies up for roads.

      If you don’t specifically want to use the wilderness travel rules from B/X for your DCC game (which is what I was doing), then I’m not sure my reference sheet is useful for you.

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